Song & Wind
Song & Wind is Jakob Buchanan’s fourth major orchestral work, written for Aarhus Jazz Orchestra with Carsten Seyer-Hansen as conductor. This time in collaboration with the Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir and Marilyn Mazur and with words by Iain S. Thomas.
Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir
Aarhus Jazz Orchestra
Jakob Buchanan, flugelhorn
Marilyn Mazur, percussion
Carsten Seyer-Hansen, conductor
In Song & Wind, the Copenhagen Boys Choir gives voice to Buchanan’s elegiac melodies, embraced and complemented by Aarhus Jazz Orchestra’s warm brass- and woodwind sounds. With the addition of Marilyn Mazur’s strong, personal and colourful percussion-paintings, Buchanan has shaped a unique musical encounter:
The boys’ choir sings about longing, doubt and loss. About pain and about time and eternity. I have been inspired by the work of the South African poet, Iain S. Thomas´ and the thoughts and feelings that pop-up my mind – as a husband and a father who thinks back on a long life.
Iain S. Thomas’ small existentialist poems put to a high degree into words, some of what is going on in my world of thought and in many of the discussions about life I have with my wife, Nanna.
Together we have chosen the poems for Song & Wind.
Nature is however, completely independent of man’s world of thought – it is just there. The music is written in the places where I live; in a landscape of soil and fields on Mols, just outside Aarhus, shaped by all the small hills and in the middle of the strong winds from the sea around us. It has also been created on our small farm house in Kornhult, Sweden – surrounded by the darkness of the pine forest, the moss and the bird life.
Marilyn Mazur is invited into the music because, as the musical sorceress that she is, she can shape and accommodate everything in her playing – and thus create both co-play and counter-play in the music.
Part I:
1. Prelude,
2. Songs In The Air
3. Postlude
Part II:
The Stones Make Sand Slow
Part III:
If You Want To Hurt Someone
Part IV:
You Have Only Seen How I Begin
Part V:
Rain Falls
5/6 hearts Politiken (DK)
"...Beautiful, spiritual, complex, and challenging, yes, actually demanding. In return, extremely rewarding, thought-provoking, and enriching. The music is simultaneously grandiose and fragile..."
5/6 stars Gaffa (DK)
"...The redeeming aspect for the artistic investor, Buchanan, must also be that the works, by virtue of persistence, culminate in grandiose, magnificent masterpieces. Song & Wind is no exception..."
Jazz Special (DK)
"...Song & Wind is unique and yet another offering from the master of symphonic jazz, Jakob Buchanan, on the meaningfulness of life... The music expresses a melancholic longing for what could be but is not yet visible."
KulturNU (DK)
"...It is deeply moving music, partly due to the use of boys' voices. This also involves the participation of amateurs, but it lends credibility and authenticity to the message of the work."
Jazz Journal (UK)
“Song & Wind is a splendid addition to and extension of the Miles Davis- Gil Evans axis in classically inflected jazz…”
Jazz Views (UK)
”Within the boundaries that Buchanan has set for himself, the music seamlessly combines idioms to produce profoundly beautiful music…”
Salt Peanuts (N)
”As in previous orchestral works of Buchanan, he weaved masterfully a unique and dramatic musical encounter, contemplative and intensely emotional that lingers long in the mind after it is gone…”
Progressor (N) 6/6 stars
”This is a quality production on all levels…”
Song & Wind - review quotes